Culver, Oregon
200 First Ave.
P.O. Box 256
Culver Oregon 97734
Fax: 541-546-3624

"Culver is Oregon," says a billboard at the edge of town. The words -- industry, education, agriculture and recreation outline the sign. A bold statement for a town of fewer than one thousand people. Nestled in a fertile valley with Haystack Reservoir and the Crooked River National Grasslands to the east, Lake Billy Chinook and the Cove Palisades State Park to the west, Juniper Butte to the south and Round Butte to the north, Culver is home to those who wish to make it theirs.

The Culver School District, home of the Culver "Bulldogs", reaches from Kindergarten through 12th grade with an elementary, middle and high school.

From the irrigation water dancing across the fields helping the crops to grow -- to the lake below where boats manufactured here are tested -- to the water we drink, sparkling clear and pure from 0pal Springs nearby -- water is the key to the heart of Culver.


July: Culver Great American Days - Wake-up Walk, Parade, Barbecue featuring Lamb, Volleyball Tournament, Craft Booths and Bingo.